تمام کیٹگریز

رابطے میں آئیں

فائبر لیزر لینس

These new filament laser lens technology were created by the ZPLASER Company which makes it fairly interesting. This technology is greatly useful for a laser cutting which is a method of cutting different kinds of materials. How it works is with high-power lasers that can melt and even vaporize materials. The laser light goes up a fiber — sort of a thin, flexible strand — and out it goes, directed straight at the material that needs to be cut. This technology is used in hundreds of different businesses, including manufacturing; car, airplane, and so forth.

Optimizing performance through precision lens design

Why are ZPLASER fiber laser lens technology so good? They're specialized lenses for high-power lasers that have to be manufactured very carefully in order to function. lens design is extremely significant as it can modify the laser light. A good lens will ensure that the laser beam has the same size and shape along its path, which is important for making precise cuts.

Why choose ZPLASER fiber-laser-lens?

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